Web code editor

When you create your app in the Make platform, you are using the web code editor. The web code editor has a bunch of handy features to make your app development easier:

  • Hints with links to the apps platform documentation with more details.

  • Code reformat button with label showing the data format. The available editor box data formats are:

    • jsonc

    • json

    • javascript

    • markdown

  • Context aware code suggestions for the jsonc data format. The web code editor gives you hints what parameters or properties you can add in the custom apps code. The code suggestions work even for RPCs.

  • Hints displayed when hovering over the custom app configuration.

  • Hovering over built-in IML functions shows their docs.

  • Hovering over custom IML functions provides a link to the function definition.

  • Custom app code validation for the jsonc data format. If you misspell a code property name, or if you place a property in an invalid code section, the web code editor highlights the error.

  • One button to save changes in all editor boxes on the page.

  • Controls to expand and collapse the code. To view the controls, hover over the space between your code and editor line numbers.

  • The editor highlights the IML syntax so it's distinct from the rest of the code.

Web code editor keybindings

The web code editor is built on the same back end as the Visual Studio Code. If you know your way around Visual Studio Code, you will find that some of the keybindings also work in the web code editor. Some of the most useful web code editor keybindings are:

For Windows users:

  • Ctrl + Shift + H: shows a cheat sheet with selected shortcuts

  • Ctrl + S: save your changes to all of the editor boxes on the page

  • Ctrl + F: search in the editor box content

  • Ctrl + H: search and replace in the editor box content

  • Ctrl + Space: show list of code suggestions valid in the current cursor context

  • Shift + Alt + F: format code

  • Ctrl + /: toggle line comments

  • F1: display web code editor command and keybindings reference

For MacOS users:

  • Ctrl + Shift + H: shows a cheat sheet with selected shortcuts

  • Cmd + S: save your changes to all of the editor boxes on the page

  • Cmd + F: search in the editor box content

  • Opt + Cmd + F: search and replace in the editor box content

  • Ctrl + Space: show list of code suggestions valid in the current cursor context

  • Shift + Opt + F: format code

  • F1: display web code editor command and keybindings reference

For a full reference of the web code editor keybindings check the official VSCode documentation and the official VSCode keybindings cards:

Note that some keybindings in the official reference might be intercepted by your browser or might not make sense in the context of a web code editor. For example, the keybinding Ctrl + N creates a new file in VSCode, but in Google Chrome the keybinding creates a new browser window instead.

Last updated