
Required: no

The temp directive in response section specifies an object, which can be used to create custom temporary variables. It also creates a temp variable in IML, through which you then access your variables. The tempcollection is not persisted and will be lost after the module is done executing.

This directive is executed after the request has been made, but prior to everything else in the response section: condition, iterate, output or any other response directive

When you have multiple requests, this directive is also useful for passing values between requests.

Note: When specifying temp directives in different requests and in the response section, the contents of the temp collection are not overwritten, but instead merged. Example:

        "temp": {
            "foo": "bar"
        "response": {
            "temp": {
                "foo": "baz",
                "hello": "world"
        "temp": {
            "param1": "bar-{{temp.foo}}", // will be "bar-baz"
            "param2": "hello, {{temp.hello}}" // will be "hello, world"
        "response": {
            "temp": {} // will have the following properties:
                       // temp.foo == "baz"
                       // temp.hello == "world"
                       // temp.param1 == "bar-baz"
                       // temp.param2 == "hello, world"

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