Review status

You can check the stage of your custom app review in the App flow tab. The App flow tab contains a list of app review statuses and their description. When you click the App flow tab, your browser automatically scrolls and highlights the current review status of your app.

If you have published your app or requested a review for a new app or an app update, you have available the Review tab. You can check the Review Status section at the bottom of the Review tab to see all activity that happened during the review.

Every entry contains 4 columns:

  • Date and Time - When the activity happened.

  • Action - Name of the activity.

  • Status - Available only with action "Review status updated.". The status of the app's review.

  • Comment (manual) - A comment with additional information or context.

Possible actions are:


App has been published.

You have published the app with the Publish button.

Approval requested.

You have submitted the review form. This action marks the start of the app review process.

Review form updated.

You have updated the review form.

Review status updated.

Make updated the review status.

App has been approved.

Make approved your app. You app is now available to every user in Make.

You can check your app review status also in your email. Search for an email with the subject: "App review: YourAppName". Make keeps all communication about the app review in this email thread.

Last updated