Trigger modules

Epoch in polling trigger

The trigger module has an Epoch section that defines what "Choose where to start" looks like. This section is an RPC that uses everything in COMMUNICATION including the pagination. This means there can be an issue if the user has too many objects which could be returned by this RPC so that is why a "limit" parameter should be specified here.

‌ The "limit" parameter should be a static number which should be at max 300 or 3 * number of objects per page.

API endpoint requires from and/or to date parameters

Some API services require date parameters that define the interval of records to be retrieved, e.g. from and to, fromDate and toDate, etc.

In this case, it is important to handle the date parameters correctly.

Notice the From and To parameters that are required.

Since triggers don't allow mapping/functions, the user has to "hardcode" the From and To dates. Therefore, Make will always request the same interval of records.

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