Types of RPCs

RPCs can be used in multiple ways. The number is restricted only by your imagination. In this chapter, we described the most common ways of RPC usage.

Options RPC

The most common use is the replacing of a select parameter with static options to select parameter dynamic options. Thanks to RPCs, we are able to retrieve a list of all available options right inside the parameter, according to the user's perspective.

pageDynamic Options RPC

Fields RPC

There are web services, which allow users to have their own structure of data. Therefore, it is needed to make the mappable parameters semi-dynamic, e. g. support custom or dynamic fields.

pageDynamic Fields RPC

Samples RPC

The purpose of this RPC is to retrieve sample data dynamically for a module. Replaces hard-coded samples, which might become outdated quickly.

pageDynamic Sample RPC

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