
Webhooks power up Instant Triggers, which execute the flow immediately after the remote server sends data.

In order to work with webhooks, you always need to create an Instant Trigger and pair it with a webhook.


Specifies how to get data from the payload and how to reply to a remote server.

    "verification": {
        "condition": String|Boolean,
        "respond": {
            "type": Enum[json, urlencoded, text],
            "status": String|Number,
            "headers": Object
            "body": String|Object,
    "respond": {
        "type": Enum[json, urlencoded, text],
        "status": String|Number,
        "headers": Object
        "body": String|Object,
    "iterate": {
        "container": String,
        "condition": String|Boolean
    "output": String|Object,
    "condition": String|Boolean,
    "uid": String

Note: If the webhook returns multiple items in one batch, you might need to use the iterate directive to specify which items to output. Then you might want to specify the output directive to map items to output. If you do not specify the output directive, items will be returned as-is.


Required: no

This directive lets you customize Integromat’s response on the webhook or a verification request.


Required: no

This directive allows you to reply to webhook verification requests. Some systems will not allow you to create webhooks prior to verifying that the remote side (in this case Make) is prepared to handle them. Such systems may send a code and request Make to return it and may be some other value with it. In such case, this directive will help you.


    "verification": {
        "condition": "{{if(body.code, true, false)}}",
        "respond": {
            "status": 202,
            "type": "json",
            "body": {
                "code": "{{body.code}} | 123abc"


Required: no Default: true

This directive distinguishes normal webhook requests from verification requests. Usually, the remote service will send some kind of code to verify that Integromat is capable of receiving data. In such case, you may want to check for the existence of this code variable in the request body. If it exists - this means that this request is a verification request. Otherwise, it may be a normal webhook request with data.


Required: no

This directive is exactly the same as the respond directive, except that it is nested in verification. The behavior of verification.respond, is the same as normal respond.

Properties of the iterate directive are described in the Communication docs. Read more.

Properties of the output directive are described in the Communication docs. Read more.

Properties of the condition directive are described in the Communication docs. Read more.


Required: only in shared webhooks

Specifies how to get the user ID from the request body. This value is then used to search for the recipient of the message in the database of connections. Don't forget to specify the uid parameter in the connection definition.

Available IML variables

These IML variables are available for you to use everywhere in a webhook:

  • now - Current date and time

  • environment - TBD

  • parameters - Contains webhook’s input parameters.

  • data - Alias for parameters.

  • body - Contains the body of an incoming webhook.

  • query - Contains query string parameters of an incoming webhook.

  • method - Contains HTTP method of an incoming webhook.

  • headers - Contains headers of an incoming webhook.

Types of webhooks


Shared webhooks come to use when the service sends all the notifications for all the users to only one registered URL.


Unlike a shared webhook, a dedicated webhook is directly linked to the user account. Only notifications for the specific user are received.

Last updated