
Communication is a piece of code where requests and responses are specified.


This is a complete form of the communication object. You can find detailed information on child pages.

    "url": String,
    "encodeUrl": Boolean,
    "method": Enum[GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS],
    "qs": Flat Object,
    "headers": Flat Object,
    "body": Object|String|Array,
    "type": Enum[json, urlencoded, multipart/form-data, binary, text, string, raw],
    "ca": String,
    "condition": String|Boolean,
    "gzip": Boolean,
    "temp": Object,
    "aws": {
        "key": String,
        "secret": String,
        "session": String,
        "bucket": String,
        "sign_version": 2|4        
    "response": {
        "type": {
            "*": Enum[json, urlencoded, xml, text, string, raw, binary, automatic],
            "[Number[-Number]]": Enum[json, urlencoded, xml, text, string, raw, binary, automatic]
        "temp": Object,
        "iterate": {
            "container": String|Array,
            "condition": String|Boolean
        "trigger": {
            "id": String,
            "date": String,
            "type": Enum[id, date],
            "order": Enum[asc, desc, unordered]
        "output": String|Object|Array,
        "wrapper": String|Object|Array,
        "valid": String|Boolean,
        "error": {
            "message": String,
            "type": Enum[RuntimeError, DataError, RateLimitError, OutOfSpaceError, ConnectionError, InvalidConfigurationError, InvalidAccessTokenError, IncompleteDataError, DuplicateDataError],
            "[Number]": {
                "message": String,
                "type": Enum[RuntimeError, DataError, RateLimitError, OutOfSpaceError, ConnectionError, InvalidConfigurationError, InvalidAccessTokenError, IncompleteDataError, DuplicateDataError]
    "pagination": {
        "mergeWithParent": Boolean,
        "url": String,
        "method": Enum[GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS],
        "headers": Flat Object,
        "qs": Flat Object,
        "body": Object|String|Array
    "log": {
	"sanitize": Array


If you need to access a key with a dot (.) inside, you can use back-ticks (`key.with.dots`) as an escape sequence in order to access the desired key.


"qs": {
    "query": "{{parameters.`key.with.dots`}}"

Last updated